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About Near me

Near me is a great navigation tool to find places nearby location and your way around an unfamiliar city. Near me will provide you with all the available places near your location, with details for each and every one of them.


  • -Find easily nearby banks, bars, clubs, restaurants, food points, hotels, museums, pharmacies, hospitals or any other place you want to search.
  • -Each place details include rating, address, phone number, images, distance from your current location, website, user reviews, working hours, price level.
  • -Find quickly nearby places with a single tap by customizing your home page categories (select display categories from the available -list or add your manually searches).
  • -Get search results based on distance or popularity of the place.
  • -Free search for any keyword
  • -View all search results in either list or map.
  • -Get step by step directions with Map with estimated time and distance.
  • -Share the place with your friends
  • -Add places to Favorite list.
  • -View the working hours of each place
  • -View the price level of each place
  • -Step by step directions from you current location to any destination